Product: Freshsales Suite


1. Understand

  1. What is the core value prop of your product?

    Freshsales suite helps unite sales and marketing around the customer with an all-in-one CRM. This results in knowing customer intent to help sales convert faster with a 360° view. It does this with the following functionalities in the application:

    1. ❤️ Nurture relationships and grow revenue with a single customer view

      Deliver seamless engagement across channels with a 360° view of the customer. Unify sales and marketing teams to deliver customer delight.

    2. 🤝 Close deals faster by sending the right message at the right time

      Sales and marketing can work together to deliver personalized customer experiences. Understand customer intent and send the right message to close deals faster.

    3. 📉 Reduce IT complexity & cost with a comprehensive solution

      Keep teams happy with a single, all-in-one solution that is affordable, easy to implement, and easier to use. Increase adoption, reduce costs, and boost morale.

  2. How do users currently experience that core value prop repeatedly?

    User experience above core value prop repeatedly because of following

    1. Attract the best leads. Generate 10X more opportunities.

      Attract visitors, convert them into leads, run campaigns, and turn your website into a lead generation machine.

      • Create landing pages in minutes. Monitor and understand visitor intent.
      • Understand visitor intent. Track page visits and even actions on your site.
      • Chat in real-time with website visitors using AI-powered chatbots
      • Tailor email campaigns and generate cost-effective leads for sales
    2. Deliver personalized experiences at scale. Improve lead engagement.

      Build tailored campaigns and optimize them with real-time data for better engagement.

      Get a 360° view of a customer. Capture all customer interactions in one place.

      • Freddy AI identifies your best leads - the ones that are most likely to convert
      • Set up welcome emails or personalized journeys based on actions
      • Communicate across Phone, Email, WhatsApp, Chat
    3. Drive deals to closure, faster. Improve sales conversions by 50%.

      Freddy AI helps you focus on the right deals that will drive revenue. Get insights across the funnel from lead to revenue with multi-touch attribution.

      • Improve revenue predictability with Dynamic Forecasting
      • Find the best deals to close with AI-based Deal Insights
      • Collaborate on Slack across departments to close deals faster
    4. Develop nurture campaigns that delight customers. Increase repeat purchases by over 50%.

      Nurture leads along the funnel with targeted campaigns, support customers with educational content, and build deeper relationships.

      • Develop nurture campaigns with triggers, actions, and conditions
      • Send transactional emails to customers to upsell and cross-sell
      • Get a breakdown of campaign analytics for a holistic understanding of your market and audience
  3. What is the natural frequency of your core product?

  4. What is the best engagement framework for your product?

2. Define

  1. Mention the action(s) that make someone an active user of your product

    User needs to perform the following actions to become an active user for my product

    1. Using product at least 5 times a week
    2. Creating sales conversation campaigns once a week
    3. Using deals management, analytics feature twice a week
  2. Mention the natural frequency of your product

    The natural frequency of my product is Daily as sales and marketing people would be using it for their daily work activities.

3. Segment

Have a detailed segmentation for your active users. For each of your segment have a detailed definition of that segment.


Factor ICP 1 ICP 2
Title Justin Levitz Growth Manager
Age range 30 to 45 20 to 35
Key responsibilities for their role? Manage Growth activity for SaaS business Recruiting clients for a new business focused on identifying the main pain points. Maintaining the relationship with the client
What specific vertical do they operate in? (e.g. Patient Management System for Health Systems) Business Development and strategic leadership for software services Software Product Sales
What are their goals? Setup scalable process for growth and sales activities Get organized & improve productivity for sales pipeline management with improved lead nurture
What features they value more? Deals Management, Segments & Journeys, Analytics Sales conversations with all communication channels, Marketing automation, Landing pages
What’s their natural frequency? 1-2 times a week 5-6 times a week
What they are interested in (productivity or revenue impact)? Productivity as well as revenue impact Productivity impact
